Can I make my car tires look new again at home?
All you need to make your car tires look new again is warm water, dishwashing soap, a bristled brush and some tire protectant. Mix some dishwashing liquid in a bucket of warm water and use a bristle brush to scrub the tire clean and rinse off the soap. Don’t use a steel brush or one…
Will my car tire deflate without a cap?
Your tire will not lose air and deflate without a valve cap, but If you do lose a valve cap it is better to replace it than to leave it. If your valve is leaking, then the valve cap will stop air from going out. Another important role of the cap is keeping dust and…
Do tires need wearing in?
So, do new tires need wearing in? The answer is yes, when you are driving your new car or you have just fitted new tires, gentle driving is the key here. Everything should be done slower, like acceleration, braking and cornering. For the first 50 miles (80 km) don’t exceed 30 mph (50 km h)…
Can car tires be recycled?
When car tires are worn or too old they are at the end of their life and are called end of life tires (ELT’s) and need to be disposed of. Tires are difficult to get rid of in a safe way, because of the type of materials and chemicals that go into them when manufactured.…
Different types of car tires
The tire industry is huge and there are many types of car tires on the market these days. So many industries depend on tires so that business will continue and at an optimal level. You need the right tires for the job at hand, from normal stock tires for driving to work and back everyday…
How does a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) work?
Driving on the road with under-inflated or over-inflated tires has its consequences and having a tire pressure monitoring system or in short TPMS installed could keep you safe. Many people go on the road with incorrectly inflated tires daily and don’t realize how dangerous it is. Your tires could be over or under inflated for…
Types of Premium Tires
We will be discussing the most important types of premium tyres here: Premium tires (or special tires) are usually fitted to premium vehicles, and are more expensive than ordinary, standard tires. Some premium tires are specialized for one purpose and others are multi tasking. They are fitted on vehicles with lots of horsepower and should…
How are tires made?
These days tires are made through an almost fully automated process of mixing ingredients, heating and shaping/moulding the tires. The tire building machine can be fully automated or it can be manually controlled. Quite a few types of ingredients are needed to make a fully finished tire. All these ingredients play a vital role in…
Difference between summer and winter tires
Some people may have the misconception that winter tires are tires needed to drive through deep snow, and that they are wrapped in snow chains. Snow chains are widely used, but they are not the only “winter tires”. When you live in an area or country with extreme weather conditions, it would be wise to…